MOTORINO™ Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)

All current MOTORINO™ XP and GT series bikes come equipped with high-perfor¬mance, self-adjusting front and rear hydraulic disc brakes with anti-lock braking (ABS) pressure dampers. ABS can help a rider maintain control under hard braking by preventing a skid caused by wheel lock-up and, especially, thereby allowing the front wheel to maintain steering action. It is helpful in virtually all conditions but especially on slippery surfaces.

The all-mechanical ABS on MOTORINO™s uses sophisticated valves on each brake caliper to damp the hydraulic pressure spikes that occur as a wheel approaches lockup, slightly relieving the pressure and allowing the wheel to continue to rotate, which helps maintain steer¬ing and maximum braking traction. The rider should always bear in mind however, that, unlike the computer-controlled ABS used in cars, you can still lock the wheels by applying excessive brake input. The ABS on your MOTORINO™ can help you maintain control in marginal situations but does not do all the thinking for you.
The front and the rear ABS valves are different and tuned given fact that approximately 60%-100% of the braking power of a two-wheeled vehicle is provided by the front wheel.

Hydraulic Disc Brake System Components
The front and rear brake systems of all MOTORINO™ XP and GT models each consist of:
• A handlebar-mounted, lever-actuated master cylinder with integral brake fluid reservoir.
• A flexible hydraulic brake line connecting the master cylinder to the caliper.
• An ABS damper valve.
• A Brake caliper (single or dual piston).
• Two Brake pads
• A Disc Brake rotor

How it all Works
When you squeeze a brake lever (past the regenerative braking-only stage), hydraulic fluid (DOT 3 or 4 brake fluid, the same as used in most cars and motorcycles) is forced by the master cylinder through the brake line and into the brake caliper via the ABS damper valve, thus forcing the caliper’s piston(s) to push the brake pads into contact with the brake rotor, causing friction that turns kinetic energy into heat and slow the bike.